Automated Enterprise API Integration

Marketo LiveChat API Project (NodeJS)

While at Pulse Secure I wrote a script in NodeJS to migrate data from a webchat application (LiveChat) to a marketing application (Marketo), once hourly, (based on a conditional decion model) and log any errors encountered. Then, once per day, a second script would email the admin about any new errors. Here's a simple visual explanation of how the project worked, at a high level.
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Project Diagram

Marketo LiveChat Application Integration Project Diagram

Project Explanation

The purpose of the project was to assist in keeping all marketing data in one place: in Marketo's database. However, I could easily do the same sort of API integration project with applications such as Salesforce, Netsuite, or SAP. It's simply a matter of using the API endpoints to return to you the data that you're looking for.

APIs often have constraints though— in order to make sure their services don't get overburdened by requests to the point that they shut down under the heavy load. In the case of Marketo, it has a few constraints which my project needed to stay within the confines of.

Since Marketo's API constraints are what really made project interesting, I thought share with you an overview of how the script overcame these constraints (really, they're more like project criteria, to be rolled up with system requriements as part of systems analysis)

Marketo API Constraints

Marketo API Limits

Project Constraints & Architecture to Overcome Constraints

The constraints were interesting because adhering to the constraints required control mechanisms which moderated the speed & volume of the flow of data, regarding both get (data download) & post (data upload) requests:

Batching get requests: The script begins by checking the date of the last time it ran, and uses this date timeframe in its search for LiveChat data. It also does a refresh of its Marketo API key. Once it does that, it's ready to roll, and the first real step in the data flow is to get LiveChat data. LiveChat's API doesn't really have many constraints to worry about. So, once we have that data, we can compare it to Marketo's data. But first we have to get the data from Marketo in a way which optimizes API usage efficiency.

The script needed to limit get requests for Marketo data into groups of up to 300. This means it can return up to 300 rows of Marketo data-- based on the 300 email addresses from LiveChat, passed into Marketo for looking up the rows. (Once I had the LiveChat visitor data, then I needed to cross reference which of the visitors are already listed in our marekto instance, by looking them up by email (used as a unique id), which required batching into groups of 300)

Batching post requests: Once the LiveChat data was compared to the Marketo data, and I knew which data needed to float up to Marekto (based on certain conditions, for example: if their geographical data already existed in Marketo, do not overwrite it. If it does not exist though, add it to the data object for upload.) There's a limit of 10 concurrent API requests per second. NodeJS is asynchronous though. Which makes it very fast. But it's also a bit tricky to control. The problem is that without controlling the stream of post requests-- for example, let's say there were 100 visitors in the past hour-- the API constraints would be quickly overwhelmed and marketo would refuse to accept all of our post requests.

That is, uploading those 100 units of visitor data to Marketo at full speed (thanks to asynchronicity) would be delivered within perhaps half a second or so. The problem is that Marketo doesn't want to be pinged so many times, so quickly. It wants some breathing space.

The way I ended up controlling these batches of post requests so that all 100 data objects both don't fire all at once, immediately, is by using the NodeJS async library's queue() function, which allows the developer to issue the post calls in small batches (adjustable) and at throttled increments (also adjustable). This allowed me to overcome the Rate limit and the Concurrency limit.

Why does this matter? Basically, with asynchronous functions, they all fire immediately. With a get request function though, two main things happen: we fire our function (the "request"), and then we receive a response from the server we're communicating with. This entire process is one concurrent API call. With asynchronous function calls though, the speed of the request/response cycle depends a lot on just internet latency speeds. This means it's hard to predict how long the request will take.

Now, the concurrency limit says there's a max of 10 per second. So, what we could do is say, run one batch of 10 per second, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, it's very possible that one or some of those requests will take a little longer than others. So, I had to adjust the batches to something like two batches of four per second, just as an example, which adds up to eight per second. Another example that could work is one batch of seven per 750ms.

But again, it the success of these depends in part on internet latency, hence it's wise to err on the side of being conservative, and reducing the API calls per second to whatever amount makes sense, to ensure that it's very unlikely that we surpass the limit. This is why asynchronous programming is challenging, fun, and interesting: because it is sometimes difficult to control precisely.